7. Get back into sewing (or another hobby I’ve given up on): I’ve been bitten by the crafting bug. I blame Pinterest. Not only have I sewed a little lately, but I’ve been knitting like it’s my job. Not that I have anything to show for it yet, because I end up pulling it all back out and starting over, but soon. Very soon, I’ll at least have a new scarf to wear this winter!
10. Send out Christmas cards: I had the grand idea to make my own Christmas cards this year. If I spent time and money on making my own cards, I just had to send them out, right? Well, after realizing just how much I’d have to invest in yet another new crafty venture, I decided to just stick with the premade ones I already have. So we’ll see if it happens. Someone remind me. Constantly.
14. Read 3 non-fiction books: I’m up to 2 now. I finally plowed my way through the book I wasn’t enjoying, and promptly went right back to reading a bunch of mindless fiction. I have a couple non-fiction books I want to read, so I think I’ll be able to handle one more in 6 months!
17. Read 8 books I already own: Check 3 more off that list. The great thing about working for a bookstore is that publishers send all kinds of free copies for us to read to be able to recommend. Most of them are things that would never interest me in the first place, but I’ve taken home a few that I’ve actually enjoyed.
* The Night Circus
* Girls in White Dresses
* Glow (Sky Chasers)
18. Bake 5 things I’ve never tried to bake before: 1 more down. Recipe still to come, but I made Apple Crisp last week for Boyfriend with my haul of handpicked apples. I know, I know. A crisp? Easiest thing in the world! But I’d never made one before, so it totally counts.
23. Cook 3 kinds of foods I’ve never tried making before: 2 down now. I made steak before and this time, BBQ Chicken Pizza. I’ve made pizza before, so that wasn’t a big deal. But for the first time ever, I made my own BBQ sauce. And it was gooood. I’ll have to make it again so I can get some good pictures, but I’m definitely putting it up here for you guys soon. It was so good, Boyfriend still asks for it.
I think that’s it for now. I really need to work very hard on a lot more of them, so hopefully next update, I can have a few crossed off completely! Here’s to the last 6 months of my 20s.
Self Improvement:
1. Lose a dress size
2. Ride my bike 15 miles (without passing out or dying.)
4. Get highlights
5. Pay off my credit cards (or at least significantly pay down)
6. Get back into couponing
7. Get back into sewing (or another hobby I’ve given up on)
8. Decorate my house and put pictures up on my walls
9. Finish an entire crossword puzzle from the Sunday newspaper on my own (without looking at the answers)
10. Send out Christmas cards
11. Visit a new city
12. Visit another state
13. Get a passport (even if I don’t get to use it right away)
14. Read 3 non-fiction books (2/3)
15. Read 3 classic books (1/3)
16. Read 3 Shakespeare plays (1/3)
17. Read 8 books I already own (6/8)
18. Bake 5 things I’ve never tried to bake before (3/5)
20. Bake a pie
21. Make another tiered, fondant covered cake (I will master you, fondant.)
22. Try 3 kinds of foods I’ve never tried before (2/3)
23. Cook 3 kinds of foods I’ve never tried making before (2/3)
24. Make pasta from scratch
25. Cook more, eat out less
26. Put together a cookbook of my favorite recipes (even if it’s just for me)
27. Get back into a blogging routine (I've been a slacker lately! Sorry.)
28. Be more interactive in blogging (Giveaways and other ideas I’ve had rattling around my brain)
30. Buy a fancy DSLR camera (and learn how to use it)
You know recipe books and craft books totally count as non fiction ;)
I bet if you add those on to your list you can cross it off right now. And with all the numbers in your list (do 2 of this or 5 of that) your list is WAAAAAAY more than 30 things. So this was a magnificent challenge you set yourself.
You're doing great and I love to hear about your progress. Don't beat yourself up about the blogging. It should be something you do to enjoy and don't feel guilty about it.
xXx Helen
Great progress on the list!! After reading your initial post, I created one for my bday. I should probably see how I'm doing now that a few months have passed. And thanks for the new recipe. :)
I think setting goals for yourself like this is pretty awesome. I wonder if i should do something like this too. It is fabulous to challenge yourself. It keeps you young :D
*kisses* HH
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