
Hitting the Beach

Beach CupcakesWhoa. I just realized it’s been 2 ½ weeks since my last post. Sorry about that! I didn’t fall off the face of the Earth. I’ve just been super busy! And super lazy, but we won’t talk about that. This past week I barely had time to breathe! Much less post anything! Between working on and baking my 2nd order of cupcakes and Boyfriend’s brother’s wedding, it’s been a hectic 7 days! But it’s all over, and I can finally get back to laying around on the couch doing practically nothing all day. Now who wants to see some cupcakes? Anybody? Well too bad. I’m going to show you anyway.

One of the managers at work is in charge of bringing the dessert to his family reunion every year. After attempting to make some less than impressive shark cupcakes a la Hello Cupcake the year before, he decided this year to hire me instead. He wanted a “cool scene”, so we eventually decided on another beach theme. I was excited for another chance to play with fondant! And I loved how they came out!

Beach Cupcakes
How cute are they??

Beach Cupcakes
All together!

Check out all the pictures on Flickr or Facebook! And I promise it won't be another 2 weeks until you hear from me again!


  1. I love them all but I think the teeny tiny sandcastle may be my favorite! Great job! :)

  2. so so cute! I'm very impressed :)

  3. Busty you did a great job! They all look terrific but I think the sand castle one the cutest. How's you do it?

    Happy 4th!


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