
An Award!

Thanks so much to Sarah over at Teapots and Cakestands! She was kind enough to bestow an award upon me! It's the "Creative Writer" award. lol I guess that means she thinks I'm full of you-know-what?

Yay! And now for the fun part! As part of the rules, I have to come up with some "creative" facts about myself and you have to guess which one is actually true!

The Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell us up to six outrageous lies about yourself and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Allow your readers to guess which one or more is true.
6. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
7. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

The Facts:

1. I speak fluent Chinese.
2. Most little kids want to be a astronaut or a doctor when they grow up. I wanted to be a babysitter.
3. I've auditioned for American Idol. Twice.
4. I helped run a Backstreet Boys fan website when I was in high school.
5. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 25.
6. I was named after my grandmother.
7. I played Liesl in the Sound of Music for our high school spring musical.

Now it's your turn to guess which one (actually two, cause I'm bad at this game..) is true! Leave a comment with your guess!

And now for my nominations!

1. Cassie from How to Eat a Cupcake - Her video blogs are adorable! And her recipes are great!
2. Ingrid from 3B's - She has an unhealthy obsession with Snickerdoodes. And I'm okay with that.
3. Lindsay from Love and Olive Oil - Everything on her site makes me drool. Literally everything.
4. Elissa from 17 and Baking - This girl is amazing. Pictures. Recipes. Writing. She's got it all. And she's only in high school!
5. Joy from Joy the Baker - The girl loves pancakes. How can you not like her? She made pancake muffins. Pure genius.
6. Heavenly Housewife from From Donuts to Delirium - She's a lovely fashionista and has the most persistence I've ever seen for making macarons.
7. Michelle from One Ordinary Day - Not only does she have awesome recipes, but she's got tips on going green! Love it!

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Ingrid_3Bs said...

LOL, I think your named after your grandma and didn't get your license until you were 25! Do I win cookies if I guessed correctly? Thanks for the award!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is awesome, congrats on your award, and thanks for passing it on to me.
*kisses* HH
p.s. am beyond impressed at you speaking Chinese, how fab, i wish i spoke another language

oneordinaryday said...

Thank you? I think? haha Thank you, really! I'm just not quite sure if this is a compliment or not. : )

I think you got your license at 25 and that you wanted to be a babysitter. Am I right?

Thanks again for the fun award!

Karen said...

I think #7 is true!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in to say hi! I love you blog layout!

Unknown said...

Yay! glad you enjoy the award and the fun little game! and I don't think you're full of "it", just a fun read ;)

Let's see...I think that maybe numbers 5 & 6 are correct? so curious!!

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