
Getting to Know The Busty Baker: Six Unimportant Things That I Love

As I was checking my emails the other day, I saw that Jane of Foodzilla had left me a comment on my Mint-Filled Brownie Cupcakes, tagging me in an internet quiz that's floating around among blogs. Six Unimportant Things I Love. Well you know how much I like quizzes! (Or maybe you don't... but I love quizzes! Hmm.. Maybe that should have been on my list too.) I sat for awhile trying to come up with things that didn't seem too important that I just adore. It took a bit of time, but I finally finished my list. So here it is--another Getting to Know The Busty Baker post. Thanks Jane!

1. Harry Potter. I was actually sitting outside reading The Goblet of Fire when I got the email, so naturally, this had to go as the first thing on my list. I just love HP! I read through the whole series once a year. It would probably be more than that if I didn't limit myself. I can read these over and over again and never get tired of it. I just started reading them again about 2 weeks ago, and just started the 4th yesterday. I have to get through at least The Half Blood Prince before the movie comes out! And yes. I will be there at the movie at midnight, just like I have been for the last 2.

2. Singing along to the radio. It doesn't matter whether it's in the car, at home, or in the middle of the grocery store; if there's music on, I have to sing to it. I'm really glad I live alone now, so I can sing as loud as I want, but I'm sure my neighbors aren't too happy.

3. Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers. These aren't a huge chain yet, but there are some scattered around the country. If you're lucky enough to live near one and you haven't tried it, what on Earth are you waiting for?? If you don't have one around you, move! They're that good. Mmm. Chicken Fingers. And definitely don't skip the Cane's sauce. I've been known to stockpile these in my fridge and eat it with everything.

4. While we're on the subject of food, Jeni's Ice Cream. This is a local thing here in Columbus. Again, if you're anywhere near it, give it a try. If not, you should anyway. (Hey they deliver nationwide, so no excuses.) I was never a very big fan of ice cream, but Jeni turned me into a believer. Now I have to have it anytime I'm even close to a shop. Even if I'm stuffed so full of food from dinner that one more bite will do me in. I'll suffer through the pain for Jeni's.

5. Flipflops. I would wear flipflops all day, everyday if I could. I love the freedom of them. I'm not a fan of shoes, and even less of a fan of socks. Flipflops are about as close as you can get to being barefoot without breaking that no shoes, no shirt, no service rule. And I'm all for it. I have more pairs of flipflops than anything else. I just wish I could wear them to work. And in the winter, but I'm not that hardcore. It's a little too cold for me to wear them in the snow.

6. Hello Kitty. I'm totally the girl who wears a Hello Kitty pin on her nametag at work and carries her lunch in a Hello Kitty metal lunchbox. I have a Hello Kitty background on my computer, and write grocery lists on Hello Kitty notepads. There are Hello Kitty icepacks in my freezer (I love the $1 section at Target.) and Hello Kitty bandaids in my medicine cabinet. Hello Kitty BikeI even lock my stuff up at the gym with a Hello Kitty combination lock. Obsessed? Me? Nooo.. Not at all. But I so want this bike I passed the other day outside a store near work. I would risk life and limb on the main road near my house to ride this thing everywhere. Well. Maybe not. Those people are crazy on that road.

So there you have it. Six Unimportant Things that I Love. Now who else wants to take the quiz? I won't pass it on to anyone specific, but feel free grab this and do it for yourself! And let me know if you did, so I can learn more about you too!


  1. Thanks for sharing!

    My children's sitter LOVES Hello, Kitty too! She bought at car from the dealership where my Honey's the manager and he bought her Hello Kitty seat covers! Go to ebay...it's a whole new world of Hello Kitty!

  2. I just found your blog, and as I was reading through your list, I kept saying, "we have that!" (Cane's and Jeni's)..then I realized we live in the same area! :) Can't wait to read more posts!

  3. When I was going through your blog. I liked your blog so much. Its due to my love with cakes, & bakeries also. I need you must also add some another recipe for chocolate flavored cake.
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