
Jeni's Giveaway Winners!

I'm so excited to announce the two winners of the autographed copies of Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at Home! I can't believe how many of you entered to win. I wish I could give you all copies, but alas, I only have 2. So without further ado... *drum roll*...

With the help of Random.org, the first copy goes to..

Julie of Savvy Eats! (Which is a blog full of all kinds of awesome)

And numero dos...

Linda! (Who has a beautiful blog called For Goodness Sake)

Congrats ladies! Email me your info at the.mistress@bustybaker.com within the next 72 hours, so I can get them out to you soon! If I don't hear from you, I'll have to pass your book to someone else, so make sure you contact me soon.

For those who didn't win, you can still get a copy of your own. Check your local bookstores, or order online from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. (Both have it for pretty cheap!) Seriously. Do it. This book is awesome.


  1. OMG I can't believe it!! I am sooooo excited. Thank you!!

  2. I'm sorry I've not written to thank you before now, but I received my book, and I love it! I've been busy catering but now have some free time to try some of the recipes. It's a beautiful, readable book, and I appreciate it so much.

    Thank you!!


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